Posted April 19, 2020
The 21st century came with the internet, and its speed and development have not slowed. Most organizations in the developed world have long moved at pace with the internet, positioning themselves for sustainability.
The case is a bit different and slower for developing nations like my country Nigeria. Although visible progress has been made in some sectors like banking, there is still a lot to be done in other sectors.
The world woke up in 2020 with a pandemic ravaging the nations of the world including the big players in the world economy. What started in December 2019 like flu in China was declared a pandemic by WHO in March 2020 due to the effects on the entire world population.
The pandemic Corona Virus (COVID-19) has changed a lot of our lives as humans, from the way we do business, work, communicate to the way we relate with one another. Terms like social distancing, isolation, and quarantine have become a part of our lives. The fight to end the pandemic continues as countries, organizations, and businesses continue to strategize and develop new ways of keeping the economies and businesses afloat.
The Lockdown of states and cities imposed by the government to curb the spread of the virus has left many businesses crippled as the restriction of movement, closure of markets and suspension of public gatherings will not permit such businesses to operate.
This is the case because many businesses are not prepared with the right business models or strategies to maintain some level of operations if not all for a time like this. The employees as well do not have the competencies or skills required for this kind of change. Where does this leave businesses and its human resources post COVID-19?
The situation these companies and organisations have found itself has revealed how unprepared they are to embrace the fourth industrial revolution popularly referred to as Industry 4.0. the question remains; what next after COVID 19?
Speaking from the HR point of view, it is time organizations begin to prepare for life after COVID-19. Players who want to remain in their industry and sector would have to think about a restructuring that would position them for operations after COVID19 and in the global market by embracing the change and putting modalities in place for this fourth industrial revolution. Organizations and businesses don’t have to wait. Use the period of this lockdown and restructure your business. This will help your operations to start immediately this is over.
What to do…
- Hire professionals to lead the change management strategy
- Invest in technology (it has come to stay)
- Invest in employee training and development